Friday, 21 June 2013


FLASHCARDS are so important.  One of the most important methods of teaching is drill.  You need to drill and drill and drill.

Isaiah 28:10 refers to this principle of learning.  “For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:”

Drill can be drill (think dentist) or it can be interesting, even fun.  I have heard that if you repeat something twenty-five times you will memorize it.  Now I know that sometimes I can repeat something a hundred times before I have it.  It all depends on what I am learning and how interested I am in it.

Some children need more drill than others and that varies from subject to subject.  However, all children need drills.  So how can we make it interesting for those who must drill more to capture the subject?

We can make it competitive.  Even one child can compete against himself.  See how many cards he can get right on the first drill and then try to top that with each subsequent drill.

Repetition is good.  I used the word drill or drills eleven times in this post so I hope I have made my point.

Here’s the first four of my   Alphabet flashcards (1) which are available from TRUTH in LOVE Baptist Publications

8 Roanoke Rd. #701

Toronto, ON               M3A  1E6

They are laminated and are $10 Canadian plus shipping.  (cheque or money order)




…but not on your fingers. I believe that becomes too much of a crutch. However, I do think it is good to have some actual objects to count when young children are learning to count. Food comes to mind right away. How about Cheerios or raisins? M & M’s or grapes or goldfish crackers or mini-marshmallows? If they count correctly they can eat their visual aid!

Arrange the objects in a straight line or in groups that make counting easier. Did you notice in the picture that I arranged some like dominoes?

I also love buttons for counting. When I was little I was allowed to play with the buttons in my mom’s button box. I still have that button box and I believe it dates back to the 1930′s and originally contained bath powder. Please understand it was around for awhile before I played with it! I guess it’s really an antique now and I’m almost there, too.

Job 31:4 says, “Doth not he see my ways, and count all my steps?”
Counting steps is good, too, when you don’t have actual objects. You’ll find that early learners love to count just about anything so have fun!

Counting cheerios
my book coverThis has been a busy year and I am happy to say that my phonics text, I Can Read My Bible, has been published in two formats.  There are 62 lessons and it is available in a binder  through TRUTH in LOVE Baptist Publications for $50 Canadian.

The alphabet flashcards are ready, too, and can be purchased from TRUTH in LOVE Baptist Publications for $10 Canadian.

Also, the text can be purchased on a CD-ROM from AV Publications for just $19.95.

To order or for more information contact:

TRUTH in LOVE Baptist Publications

8 Roanoke Rd. #701

Toronto, ON  M3A 1E6


Another school year has just finished.  (We go to the end of June in Canada.)  It was a good school year for us and I hope it was for you, too.  Now we are making plans and looking forward to the next school year.

My big goal for this summer is to get my new book published.  I have written a textbook for beginning reading, using a phonics approach, and most importantly using solely the King James Bible.  I hope to say more about that in future posts.

Anyway, in the meantime I am enjoying the more leisurely pace that summer affords.  More time for walking, which is what my other blog is about.  Come along with me on both blogs and let me know your thoughts.  I’m interested in what you think, too!