Friday, 21 June 2013




…but not on your fingers. I believe that becomes too much of a crutch. However, I do think it is good to have some actual objects to count when young children are learning to count. Food comes to mind right away. How about Cheerios or raisins? M & M’s or grapes or goldfish crackers or mini-marshmallows? If they count correctly they can eat their visual aid!

Arrange the objects in a straight line or in groups that make counting easier. Did you notice in the picture that I arranged some like dominoes?

I also love buttons for counting. When I was little I was allowed to play with the buttons in my mom’s button box. I still have that button box and I believe it dates back to the 1930′s and originally contained bath powder. Please understand it was around for awhile before I played with it! I guess it’s really an antique now and I’m almost there, too.

Job 31:4 says, “Doth not he see my ways, and count all my steps?”
Counting steps is good, too, when you don’t have actual objects. You’ll find that early learners love to count just about anything so have fun!

Counting cheerios

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